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Staff Will Know and Do

What will staff know/understand and be able to do as a result of your school improvement planning efforts?

Staff will know how to use and practice project tuning protocol for collaborative lesson planning 

  • Building common practice with staff around project tuning protocol. 

  • Teachers will be able to dig deeper into lesson design 

  • create a culture of design practice in the school

Staff will design learning tasks and set up their classroom through google classroom and a strong on-line framework (for times of COVID-19).    

  • Develop their pedagogy around designing literacy programs like Daily 5 in an online environment.  


Cultivating Students efficacy based on their learning profile

  • Developing common language around growth mindset & self regulation.

  • Creating opportunities for voice and choice for students. 


Making Student Learning Visible

  • Building common language around documentation and feedback – using the ladder of feedback

  • Teachers will gain more understanding around the documentation of the “process” of learning, not just the outcome.


Authentic Learning Environments

  • Learn how to work with e-portfolios or technology in the classroom and produce learning exhibits of student work. 

  • Increase in teacher understanding of the process of inquiry and PBL.

  • Increase in teacher competence in using feedback to guide learning (at all grade levels)

Making Learning Visible


Teachers have been building a common language of feedback and reflection and focusing on the process of student learning.  This is an example of a project that was posted in "zooms" form on the board to highlight the student reflection during the assignment. 

Example #2


Example #3 


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